Terms and Policies

All payments must be made in advance. Assigned Tutors and Writers only begin working on a Task once the Payment has been received in full by EWL / EWI.
Any disrespect, vulgarity, coarse or impolite language with EWL’s / EWI’s Management or Tutors and Writers will not be tolerated, and the Client is immediately blocked, banned and is unqualified from demanding any refunds or deliverables from EWL / EWI.
In the case that a Client is put in direct contact with a Tutor / Writer, the Client is prohibited from discussing matters which pertain to the Fees, Payments, or Exchanging of Funds in any fashion. In addition, the Client must not share the Tutor’s / Writer’s number with anyone, or attempt to make a side deal with them, and must kindly delete the Tutor’s / Writer’s Conversation and Number upon conclusion of the allotted Task, on good faith. There is Zero Tolerance for non-adherence to this policy.
If a Client comes to EWL / EWI with a last minute assignment, and all associated risks are explained clearly, the Client is solely and fully responsible for the outcome projected. EWL / EWI will as always aim for the best, but the client has no right, in such case, to demand any refund regardless of the outcome.
Cancellation of Confirmed Orders 30 minutes after confirmation is absolutely Prohibited. Any Client who tries to do so after the Order has been Confirmed will be Obliged to pay the full agreed-upon amount despite cancellation. Refusal to abide by this will be met with detrimental Academic and Legal Disciplinary Action.
Our Standards: EWL / EWI always aim to provide Excellence and High Quality. In more Numeric terms, we aim for the A, the 85 and above, in every scenario. If we achieve the B, then we are still within the Standards we are willing to accept. The C is not a desirable outcome, and one we avoid at all costs. However, if it is achieved within a Highly Difficult Task in which that result is considered the norm or even greater still, then we are still within our standards, which is to outperform the mean. In any case, we reserve the right to gauge every scenario and its details, and provide partial refunds within such cases where we see fit, and withhold it in others where we do not. The D and the F are entirely distant from the Standards we seek to maintain, unless they were caused by an error committed by the Student (Client) or Instructor (Third Party). In such cases, neither Management, nor the Tutors / Writers are to be blamed, and the EWL’s / EWI’s Management reserves the right to pass judgment in the manner they see fitting.